
Help Spread The Virus

Want to volunteer to make a difference in the universe by helping us take over the world? Cool!

Do you like posting about the wackiest podcast you listen to? Awesome! 

See, that's why you're the greatest. Hell, you're probably already supporting us over on Patreon  - which is very super cool of you by the way - but if you wanna help get the word out too, here's a way you can do it!

Included with this post are a bunch of images that you can feel free to steal and use to help promote the show! Share them to your social media accounts! You can use some of these to make your own promo images, nothing is stopping you! Print and post them around your town! Mail copies to 1,000 friends and ask each of them to send it to a thousand of their friends!! Wallpaper your guest bedroom so they get the hint!

Post whatever/whenever you like, all we ask is maybe try to tag it #WickedTheory when you can.

We have the best listeners and we appreciate all the support and help you guys give. It validates everything we do when we see people are into it enough to actually engage, share, e-mail us, just get involved. Thanks to all of you.

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